XTools Website


Overview of XTools Pro Geoprocessing



The major part of XTools Pro features are also provided as geoprocessing tools available from ArcToolbox. This way you can use XTools Pro features like standard ArcGIS ArcToolbox tools in various ways provided by ArcGIS environment:


  • Run tools via dialog boxes

  • Use tools in the models

  • Create and run scripts based on the tools


Please refer to the ArcGIS Desktop Help to read more about ArcGIS geoprocessing environment and various ways of using ArcGIS geoprocessing tools.


XTools Pro toolbox includes following toolsets:


Data Management toolset

- provides various general usage tools for data management


Feature Conversions toolset

- contains tools for various conversions between features and feature types


Overlay Operations toolset

- provides tools for some basic overlay operations on the layers


Surface Tools toolset

- contains tools for creating surfaces (Grids) from polyline and point data


Table Operations toolset

- offers tools allowing you to manage and enrich attribute tables





Table of Contents

