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An overview of the Feature Conversions toolset



The Feature Conversions toolset provides a series of tools that allows you to perform various conversions between feature classes and feature types.


The following table lists the tools available in the Feature Conversions toolset and provides a brief description of each.




Transfer/Convert Features


Transfers/copies features from one feature class to another. The destination feature class must have either the same feature type as input features or a less complex feature type.  

Convert Multipart Shapes to Single Parts


Converts multipart shapes to singlepart features.

Convert Polygons to Polylines


Converts input polygon feature class to a new polyline feature class.

Disperse Points


Disperses coincident or adjacent points based on the selected disperse method and pattern within the specified disperse radius.

Eliminate Slivers


Finds and eliminates sliver polygons.

Make Polygons from Points


Creates a new polygon feature class from input point features.

Make Polygons from Polylines


Creates a new polygon feature class from input polyline features.

Make Polylines from Points


Creates a new polyline feature class from input point features.

Convert Shapes to Centroids


Creates a new point feature class from the centroids of the input features.

Convert Features to Points


Converts polygon and polyline features to point features.


Convert Features to Equidistant Points

(Fixed Number)

Converts polygon and polyline features to point features with the specified number of points.


Convert Features to Equidistant Points

(Fixed Interval)

Converts polygon and polyline features to equidistant point features at the fixed interval between points.

Simplify Polygons


Simplifies polygons features geometry preserving the original features shape.

Simplify Polylines


Simplifies polyline features geometry preserving the original features shape.

Split Layer By Attributes


Splits layers of any geometry type into separate datasets by one or more attributes.

Split Polygons


Splits polygon features.

Split Polylines


Splits polyline features in various ways.

Smooth Polygons


Smooths polygon features using one of the two provided methods (Bezier or B-splines).

Smooth Polylines


Smooths polyline features using one of the two provided methods (Bezier or B-splines).



Table of Contents

