XTools Website


Split Polylines



Splits input polyline features into separate segments in various ways. Available options include splitting at all vertices, into specified segments, into equal segments, by the specified interval, at the intersections, and by another layer.






Input Features


Input polyline features to be split into segments.


Output Feature Class


The new output polyline feature class that will store the split polylines.


Split Method


Splitting method that will be applied to the input polylines.




Specify interval (segments) length at which input polylines will be split.


Segments Count


Specify the number of segments into which input polyines will be split.


Split Feature Layer


Specify another polygon, polyline or point layer, input polylines will be split at the intersections with this layer.




Specifies tolerance value used when polylines are split by points.


ID Field Name


Specifies ID field in the output feature class in which IDs of the input features will be stored. Leave this field blank if you do not wish to keep input features IDs.



This XTools Pro geoprocessing tool is identical to the XTools Pro Split Polylines tool.



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