XTools Website


Smooth Polylines



Smooths input polyline features. In the current version there are two smoothing algorithms provided: Bezier Splines and B-Splines.






Input features


Input polyline features to be smoothed.


Output feature class


New output feature class that will store smoothed polylines.


Smooth algorithm



There are two smooth algorithms available:


  • BEZIER - Bézier curves are smooth linear transitions between two vertices. The shape of the curve is defined by the locations of the vertices and additional control points at the end of blue Bézier handles that radiate from each vertex.

  • BSPLINES - The curve does not pass through any of the control points (vertices of original polyline) except the first and last.


Handling topological errors



In some cases the smooth operation may result in topological errors, these can be handled in the following ways:


  • NO_CHECK - No check for topological errors will be made.

  • FLAG_ERRORS - Topological errors will be flagged, if any.


Level of detail



Specifies required level of detail for the B-Splines algorithm. Valid values can vary from 50 to 500. If no value is specified then the default value 100 is considered (applicable in most cases).


ID field



Specifies ID field in the output feature class in which IDs of the input features will be stored. Leave this field blank if you do not wish to keep input features IDs.



This XTools Pro geoprocessing tool is identical to the XTools Pro Smooth Polylines tool.



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