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Convert Polygons to Polylines



Converts input polygon feature class to a new polyline feature class.






Input features


Input polygon features that will be converted to output polyline feature class.


Output feature class


The new output polyline feature class that will be converted from input polygons.


ID field name


Name of the new field with ID's of the source polygon features that will be added to the attribute table of the output feature class.


Split adjacent polylines


Select this option to split adjacent polylines resulting from the adjacent polygons.


Split method


Select one of the two methods provided for splitting:

1) Creating only one of adjacent polylines - FIDs of the left-side and right-side polygons will be written to the attribute table;

2) Creating two adjacent polylines, at that attributes will be duplicated;



This XTools Pro geoprocessing tool is identical to the XTools Pro Convert Polygons to Polylines tool.



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