XTools Website


Add X, Y, Z Coordinates



Adds X, Y, Z coordinates to the attribute table of point, polyline or polygon features.






Input Features


The features whose X, Y, and Z coordinates will be added to the attribute table.


Coordinate Field Names

<Coordinate {Field Name};Coordinate {Field Name}...>

Output coordinate field names.


Source Point Type



Determines coordinates of what source point will be added to the attribute table:


CENTER - coordinates of the central point will be added

(this option is available for point, polyline, and polygon features)

LABEL - coordinates of the label point will be added

(this option is only available for polygon features)

FROM - coordinates of the first polyline point will be added

(this option is only available for polyline features)

TO - coordinates of the last polyline point will be added

(this option is only available for polyline features)



Output Spatial Reference


Determines the output coordinates spatial reference.


Angular Units Format


Converts coordinates in decimal degrees (DD) into DMS (D° M' S.SS") or DDM (D° M.MM') format.



This XTools Pro geoprocessing tool is identical to the XTools Pro Add X, Y, Z Coordinates tool.



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