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Export Data to KML



Exports feature layers and its' attributes from ArcGIS to KML/KMZ format for use with Google Earth, Google Maps and other applications and services supporting KML format.






Input Features


Input feature layer that will be exported to KML/KMZ format.


Output File


Output .kml or .kmz file that the input layer will be exported to.




Select a way to label features, by selected field or using layer labeling. Leave this field blank if you don't wish to label features.


Label Field


Specify a label field to be used for labeling.


Label points location


Specify location to store label points:

  • Select FILE to save label points in a separate KML file

  • Select FOLDER to save label points in a separate folder in the output KML file

  • Select FEATURE to merge labels points with the features in the output KML file





Select if you wish to create folders in the output KML file.


Class field


Select a field to create and classify folders by.


Extraction Boundaries


Select extraction boundaries to export only those features within the extraction boundaries.


Extraction boundaries


Specify extent coordinates for extraction boundaries.


Selected features layer


Select a polygon layer with selected features for use as extraction boundaries.




Select to extrude features either by field values or one specified value, leave empty not to extrude features.


Extrude field name


Select a field to extrude output features by.


Extrude value


Specify extrusion value.


Altitude mode



Specify altitude mode.

Altitude mode can be used as Absolute, set as Relative to Ground or Clamped to Ground:


Clamped to Ground:

- This is the default altitude mode for elements when not otherwise specified and when no altitude is provided in the tag.


Relative to Ground:

- Sets the altitude of the element relative to the actual ground elevation of a particular location. If the ground elevation of a location is exactly at sea level, and the altitude for a point is set to 9 meters, then the placemark elevation is 9 meters with this mode. However, if the same placemark is set over a location where the ground elevation is 10 meters above sea level, the elevation of the placemark is then 19 meters.



- Sets the altitude of the element exactly above sea level, regardless of the actual elevation of the terrain beneath the element. For example, if you set the altitude of a placemark to 10 meters with an absolute altitude mode, the placemark will appear to be at ground level if the terrain beneath is also 10 meters above sea level. If the terrain is 5 meters above sea level, the placemark will appear elevated above the terrain by 5 meters.


Altitude units


Specify altitude units. Units can be meters or feet.


3D view


Select this option to use 3D view.


Raster format

{image_format }

Select output raster format, PNG or JPEG.



This XTools Pro geoprocessing tool is identical to the XTools Pro Export Data to KML tool.



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