XTools Website


Extract Raster Values



Extracts values from raster datasets to point datasets.






Input Raster


Input raster dataset.


Output Fields


Output fields in the point layer.


Output Point Layer


Point layer to which new attributes will be added.



This XTools Pro geoprocessing tool is identical to the XTools Pro Extract Raster Values surface tool.


When used in models the tool requires real existing input data (e.g., it should be the first tool in the model), otherwise the model won't validate and run.


When the tool is used in Python scripts it is required to reference raster bands using backslash "\", otherwise using slash "/" will lead to an error. At that, as backslash is a managed character for escape sequences it is required to "mirror" it with another backslash "\\" or indicate that a string should be processed as is (without escape sequences), i.e. put "r" before the string:


  • "D:\\SHARE\\XTools\\test_GPtools_16\\Freeways_xt_1\\Band_1 Field_1"
  • r"D:\SHARE\XTools\test_GPtools_16\Freeways_xt_1\Band_1 Field_1"

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