XTools Website


Aggregate Features/Records: Specifying output storage



To specify the output file for resulting data click the diskette icon near the "File Name" field. The type of resulting data is determined by existence (Feature Class/Shape file) or absence (Table) of the Shape field in the aggregated table structure.



The checkbox "Add Data to current map", being marked, prescribes to add the resulting data (a layer or a table) to the current map. If the checkbox is not marked resulting data will be stored but not added to the current map.

If the checkbox "Show result after processing" is marked, aggregation results will be shown after processing. If this checkbox is not marked, resulting data won’t be shown.

The checkbox "Do Not Save Result" is activated if resulting data do not have geometry ("NONE" is selected in the combo-box "Geometry Aggregation Type"). If this checkbox is unmarked, resulting data will be saved to the specified file. If this checkbox is marked, aggregation result won’t be saved and will be shown by default after data processing.





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