XTools Website


Split Polygons





The tool is aimed to splitting polygon features with polylines or polygons of another feature class.




The tool provides ArcGIS users with capabilities to split input polygons into separate polygons by another polyline or polygon feature layer.




  1. Select the "Split Polygons" tool from the XTools Pro Feature Conversions menu.

  2. Select the input layer containing polygons that you wish to split.

  3. Specify the name and location of the output feature class.

  4. Select the layer containing polylines or polygons to split input polygons with.

  5. Specify ID field to store input features IDs.

  6. Specify split buffer if required, this can be defined as a constant value or values of the selected field can be used.

  7. Press Run to split polygons.




Note: the features by which you wish to split input polygons should actually intersect polygons, otherwise polygons will not be split.




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