XTools Website


Simplify Polylines





This tool allows simplifying polylines.




The tool provides ArcGIS users with capabilities to simplify polyline features. There are two simplification algorithms provided:

  • Point remove

  • Bend simplify




  1. Select the "Simplify Polylines" tool from the XTools Pro Feature Conversions menu.

  2. Select the input layer containing polylines that you wish to simplify.

  3. Specify the name and location of the output feature class.

  4. Select the required simplification algorithm (either Point remove or Bend simplify).

  5. Select how possible topological errors should be handled.

  6. Specify simplification tolerance.

  7. Select if you wish to keep collapsed polylines with zero geometry as points.

  8. Press Run to simplify polylines.




There are two simplification algorithms available:


  • Point remove

- This algorithm removes redundant points from the polylines shape. The algorithm is faster but provides more coarse simplification output.

  • Bend simplify

- This algorithm removes minor bends along the polylines while preserving the shape of the original polylines. The algorithm provides better and more appealing simplification output, although is known to be slower in most cases.


Following options are provided for handling possible topological errors in the output feature class:

  • No check

- Output polylines won't be checked for topological errors.

  • Flag errors

- Output polylines will be checked and found topological errors will be flagged in a new SimLnFlag field.

  • Resolve errors

- Output polylines will be checked and found topological errors will be resolved as possible in the output feature class. MinTol and MaxTol fields with minimum and maximum tolerance values are added.


Simplification tolerance defines the degree at which the simplification operation may affect the input polyline features:

  • Point remove

- for this algorithm tolerance means maximum allowable offset.

  • Bend simplify algorithm

- for this algorithm tolerance means length of the reference bend baseline.





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