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Extract Map: Selecting output map format and location



A new extracted map can be saved as a group layer (.lyr), a new map document (.mxd), or as a map package (.mpk). The latter option is only available for ArcGIS 10.x users. To specify the location for the output map select required map format, click the diskette icon near the corresponding field and select the location in the window that will open.


  • For the Group layer option the checkbox "Add data to current map" is provided.

Being marked it prescribes to add the resulting data to the current map. If the checkbox is not marked, extracted data will be saved but not added to the current map.


  • For the New map document option following additional options are available:

- "Open output map in another ArcMap session" prescribes to run another ArcMap application and open the new extracted map

- "Keep layout" allows to keep layout with all map elements from the input map

- "Map document properties" allows to view/modify properties of the input map


  • For the Map package option following additional options are available:

- "Keep layout" allows to keep layout with all map elements from the input map

- "Map document properties" allows to view/modify properties of the input map

  It is especially recommended to check map document properties for the map package option as all map packages must have descriptions. If there is no description specified for the input map a corresponding exclamation message will be prompted suggesting to add description to the extracted map.


And the last but certainly not least option you can set up for the extraction process is "Silent extraction". Being selected this option will enforce silent extraction that will require no user interaction. That is, if there are any layers with fields having long names not matching shapefile (.dbf) requirements being extracted from a geodatabase, no questions will be asked and the field names will be just cut by default. The main advantage here is that you can run the extraction process and leave it for the night or lunch break, without having to sit around and press OK button each time, extraction process will not stop.


Note, silent extraction mode does not cover the cases where some problems (errors) in the extraction process occurred. Error messages still require your interaction so that you are always aware of them.



Having made a selection click "Next" to get to the next step.




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