XTools Website


Create Random Sampling Points





The Create Random Sampling Points tool is provided for creating randomly spread points in the specified extent.




The new randomly spread sampling points can be generated according to the following conditions:

  • For the specified extent

(current map extent or selected layer extent )

  • For the reference feature layer

(points, polylines or polygons)

  • Excluding areas covered by the constraining feature layer

(this and above obviously cannot be the same layer)

  • Given number of points

(total number, maximum number or percentage of reference points, maximum number per reference polygons or polylines)

  • Spread with the specified minimum allowed distance between points


All the specified conditions will be applied to the output random points, even if there will be no output points (when contradictory conditions used).




  1. Select the "Create Random Sampling Points" tool from the XTools Pro Data Management menu.


  1. Specify the name and location of the output random points feature class.


  1. Select extent for the random points:

- this can be your current or full map extent, extent of any feature or graphics layer in the map, or any custom extent


  1. Select the reference feature layer:

- this can be any point, polyline or polygon layer: random points will be created only at the reference points, along the reference polylines or within the reference polygons

- processing of only selected features supported


  1. Select the constraining feature layer:

- this also can be any point, polyline or polygon layer: random points will not be created for sure at the constraining points, along the constraining polylines or within the constraining polygons

- processing of the selected features supported


  1. Specify number of output points:

- number of points can be: Total number of points, Percentage from feature count (if point reference layer selected), or Maximum per feature (if polyline or polygon reference layer selected)

- number of points can also be taken from the selected field of the polyline or polygon reference layer, in this case for each reference feature will be generated as many points as given in the selected field for this feature


  1. Specify the minimum allowed distance between points:

- if a minimum distance is specified then random points will be generated at this minimum distance of each other

- if you don't wish to use minimum distance then leave "0" value for this parameter

- by default distance units are taken from the map, thought this can be changed to any other units


  1. Press Run to create new random sampling points.


All possible conditions or any combinations of them can be applied. It is obviously not allowed to use the same feature layer as a reference and constraining layer as there is nothing to output in this case. On the other hand, other conditions may also contradict one another. This may result in slower performance or no output points but this remains the user's responsibility.





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